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ABA big day/list report; parking lot birds

On Wed, 23 Jan 2002 steven.shultz@unifi.com wrote:
> I've never really considered parking lots to be very good for birding
> (unless I'm looking for House Sparrows).  But, following on the heels of my
> Cooper's Hawk last week, today I found another species not normally seen in
> and about parking lots, Lesser Scaup.

Hi Carolinabirders,

I found Frank Rheindt his lifer Red-headed Woodpeckers in a parking lot,
that one at the Food Lion in Sunset Beach. We later saw many more in more
customary habitats, like Horton's Pond, but the Food Lion birds allowed
much closer approach, at least while we stayed in the car... That's
probably my best parking lot bird. Like Steve, I've had a parking lot
Cooper's Hawk; mine attacked a flock of Monk Parakeets in Fort Lauderdale,
outside the Wild Oats grocery. More customary for the habitat was a
nesting Killdeer with four eggs at McAlister's Deli in Vicksburg,

Robin Carter's message about "total ticks" birding reminds me to remind
the ABA members on Carolinabirds: you have only one week left to mail in
your 2001 list updates and big day reports. I'm chagrined that Blake
Maybank is no longer the editor, to the point of considering dropping my
ABA membership; it really sounds like he's getting the shaft, not even
being allowed to say goodbye in the pages of the report he's edited for
our benefit the last several years (he said farewell on BIRDCHAT instead).
But this listing business is so darn addictive: my NC list now stands at
295, so I really want to get that next 5 state birds... (after that I'm
only 105 behind Fussell!)

Good birding,


Joshua S. Rose
Duke University
Department of Biology (Zoology, R.I.P.)
