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Lincoln's Sparrow for CBC meeting list

	After stopping at Alligator River NWR yesterday afternoon, seeing the
Western Kingbird and a light-phase Rough-legged Hawk (but no
Ash-throated Flycatcher), I headed back to Raleigh. The traffic in
eastern Tyrrell County was slow, so I decided to get off the road, and
turned into the NC Wildlife Impoundments area off US 64 to see what
might be there. This is the J. Morgan Futch Game Land, a recent
acquisition by the NC Wildlife Resources Commission. (On the DeLorme
atlas, it is on page 48, at the community of Alligator. The dotted road
to the south of US 64, heading west to a cleared area, is the place.)
There is a gate at the end of the dirt road (about 1/4 mile), and ahead
are about 6-8 diked impoundments, some with water, some partly dry, and
some mowed croplands. There were no waterfowl on the visit, only a few
Great Blue Herons, a Great Egret, and a few Common Snipe. There were
lots of sparrows along the dirt roads and dikes, mostly Savannah and
Song, but some Swamp and White-throated. I saw a Lincoln's Sparrow about
100 yards past the gate, along the road on the left that does not go out
to the impoundments, but goes along the left side of them next to woods.

This could be a good birding area, as some of the impoundments have just
been bulldozed and dikes built. (This is a former drained wetland that
was ag lands, but now have dikes with flooded fields.) I suspect
shorebirds could drop into the impoundments in season, as could some
waterfowl given more time for vegetation to grow. Plus, it is
practically right on your way to the Outer Banks, just 1/4 mile off the
road (and you can see the place through trees along US 64).

I don't think Lincoln's Sparrow was tallied on the CBC meeting, and as
Futch lies between the Lake Phelps area (where a trip was held) and
Alligator River and the Banks, I would consider Futch to be in the
"count area".

Harry LeGrand