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Green-tailed Towhee Still Present

Maurice Barnhill and I found the Green-tailed Towhee at the usual 
location, today.I first saw the bird in a bare shrub, along with several 
other sparrows. It flew across the road into the green thicket, opposite 
the feeder area. Approximately 20 minutes later, I heard a bird calling 
from a small Live Oak--about 50 yards down the thicket side of the road. 
The call sounded halfway between the call of a Catbird and a Blue-Gray 
Gnatcatcher. Maurice and I observed the bird ( fussing ), as it move 
around in the branches of the tree. This was about 12:15 PM.  

I placed a small canister near the bird seed area, and filled it with 
seed. If the mice will not chew the plastic top, it should keep the feed 
dry and the varmits away from it.  

My plans to attend the CBC Meeting had to be cancelled at the last 
minute, due to illness in the family. I hope everyone going has a great 
trip. We also saw two Snow Geese, today. But the Ross's Goose was missing 
from the group.  

Greg Massey

PS: The call-note of the Towhee is the same as found in the Thayer's 
recording. Thanks to Harry Sills ( who happens to be Captain on the Fort 
Fisher Ferry ) , and had it in his lap-top computer for us to listen.