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Re: Summer Weather!/ Gull and Tern size comparisons

Speaking of singing Pine Warblers, I first noted them singing in my yard on 
Jan. 16th.  They are progressively getting louder and more vibrant.  It will 
be interesting to see whether their singing quality changes at all when we 
return to somewhat colder weather this weekend.

After seeing Will's great photo of the Bl.-headed Gull next to the Forster's 
Tern, I'm still questioning whether Jill Froning and I really did see it 
afterall last Sunday.  The gull that we saw was definitely larger that the 
Forster's Terns it was with on the sandbar, but would a Bonaparte's also look 
larger than a Forster's Tern if side by side?  The light was too poor to make 
out the bill color.
Shelley Theye

In a message dated 1/31/02 1:44:12 PM, dlmartin@twave.net writes:

<< I came home this afternoon to the singing of a Pine Warbler in the back


Dwayne >>

Shelley Theye
North Chatham County, NC