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Re: how about some kindness?


If I wasn't polite, then please accept my apologize (English is not my first
However I was just analyzing the description. If there is any chance for some
leucistic or partially albinocistic common bird (Red-tailed Hawk, Barred Owl)
then it should be taken into consideration, as well as Snowy Owl!
I have no idea what is the observer's field experience and how good is he in
making a description. What we have is just a written description, which we can
analyze. If there is just a one thing (one but important, like wingspan) which
doesn't fit to the bird morphology then (especially if we are talking about
rare bird or any other unusual record) we should consider that record more and
more and... sometimes just not confirm. There is nothing personal in such
In the other hand such a training in making a field description or sketching or
estimating length or wingspan of birds is very, very useful. I used to do a lot
similar things with my students in Poland, using skins, photographs and field
trips. If anybody is interested in such idea we can talk about it on next
meeting of CBC. I am still fresh in the area, where and where it will be?


Leonard Pardue wrote:

> The early reaction to the Snowy Owl report sends a message to inexperienced
> posters:  be prepared to weather sharp skepticism if you report anything
> unusual.
> Yep, the owl report is unlikely, but how about some friendly coaching
> rather than guffawing and rapping knuckles???  Maybe that's happening in
> personal communications, but I hope that a more encouraging spirit will
> prevail on Carolinabirds, too.
> At least the imprecise wingspan estimate shows us the poster didn't check
> his field guide and tailor his report to fit the book...  Maybe at a CBC
> meeting we can find a way to test everyone's ability to report wingspan
> lengths...
> cheers,
> Len Pardue, Asheville, NC

Michal Skakuj  Ph.D.
4600 University Drive # 1312
Durham, NC 27707
phone, fax: (919) 402 9961