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more questions/Snowy

  couple more thoughts on Snowy:

1) barring on a Snowy (breast) runs HORIZONTALLY; on a
Barred Owl VERTICALLY -- any idea Jerry which fits what
you observed?
2) Like Steve S., I was under impression that Snowys, being
diurnal, would be sound asleep at night but just read in Sibley
that 'healthy' ones are primarily active at NIGHT! maybe some
of the Columbia folks who witnessed their Snowy can tell us what
hours of the day he was sleeping/active and what sort of 
perches/roosts/ground (and heights) he was most seen in.

BTW, I heard more songbird mobbing at dusk last night at entrance
to Summerfield (ditch/trees) and STILL could not find object of
attention...grrrrrr. Guess I'll be back tonight and tomorrow...

PS: nice article (so I'm told) on Ivorybills in today's NY Times.

Rob Gluck
Chapel Hill

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