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Re: more questions/Snowy


BARS (Barring) - lines going across (like in Stilt Sandpiper or Snowy
STREAKS - lines going along (like on belly of Black-and-White Warbler or
juvenile Goshawk)
 So Barred Owls has barring (bars) on upper breast and streaks on lover
breast and belly.


Rob G wrote:

>   couple more thoughts on Snowy:
> 1) barring on a Snowy (breast) runs HORIZONTALLY; on a
> Barred Owl VERTICALLY -- any idea Jerry which fits what
> you observed?
> 2) Like Steve S., I was under impression that Snowys, being
> diurnal, would be sound asleep at night but just read in Sibley
> that 'healthy' ones are primarily active at NIGHT! maybe some
> of the Columbia folks who witnessed their Snowy can tell us what
> hours of the day he was sleeping/active and what sort of
> perches/roosts/ground (and heights) he was most seen in.
> BTW, I heard more songbird mobbing at dusk last night at entrance
> to Summerfield (ditch/trees) and STILL could not find object of
> attention...grrrrrr. Guess I'll be back tonight and tomorrow...
> PS: nice article (so I'm told) on Ivorybills in today's NY Times.
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> Rob Gluck
> Chapel Hill
> thrush@hotmail.com
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
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