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Re: Snowy Owl

Eyeshine color depends on the type of animal.  The most common seem to be
Red, green, and yellow.  Most people see eyeshine in deer, which is usually
red, and small animals like opossums (yellow-green I believe).  I'm not
sure what it most common in birds.  I think alligators are green?

Of course if the eyes were seen during the DAY, then you would be seeing
the actual iris color and not the reflection off the retina.  Anybody see
this guy during the day yet?

Still hopin' for a Snowy,
Steve Shultz
Cary, NC

Jerry Partrick <partrick@intrex.net>@acpub.duke.edu on 02/08/2002 01:32:08

Sent by:  carolinabirds-owner@acpub.duke.edu

To:   carolinabirds@duke.edu
Subject:  Snowy Owl


Absolutely no question about the direction of the bars.... horizontal...
both breast, mantle and rump...

As for eyes... As I said, we had more than one view of different aspects on
Sunday night.  First view... face on; second....profile... with head
rotating like a turret.... and of course rear views... with no view of the
eyes.  Is the normal night light reflex not red?

Thanks for the questions,  Jerry