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Similar vocalizations

I'm always fascinated by the variety of calls birds can make.  I remember two 
years ago on the Chapel Hill Spring Count bushwacking through the woods after 
a loud different call only to find out is was a Hooded Warbler (not the 
traditional 'weete-weeta weeteo!').  Many years ago I remember hearing the 
'quick-three beers' call thinking I had found an Olive-sided Flycatcher 
(which I have still never seen or heard except on CD-rom).  The culprit was a 
White-Eyed Vireo.  This is a common call from this bird which I have heard 
many times.  Of course, the natural follow up to 'quick-three-beers' from 
this bird is the normal 'pick-up-the beer-check' call! (sorry bird humor).  
There is even another bird who can make a slightly hoarser version of this 
'quick-three-beers' call (other than a Mockingbird). I heard it again today 
from a Titmouse.  I don't hear this often, maybe once or twice a year.

John Frederick  
Durham, NC