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Re: Photo of the Chapel Hill owl


It is dark-eyed owl (that's why all eyes look reddish in flash light) with
yellowish bill. There are some bars and streaks on breast and belly. Outer tail
feathers are gradually shorter (tail rather rounded), wings are longer than
tail. The head is rounded with central dark line and some bars on "face". If
put all of these together (bird wasn't small) it looks like light phase of
Barred Owl, doesn't it?


Will Cook wrote:

> Jerry Partrick kindly lent me a photo of the famous owl to post on the web:
> http://www.duke.edu/~cwcook/pix/chowl.jpg
> The pic is a little fuzzy, but the bird is clearly identifiable, in my
> opinion. What do you all think it is?
> Additional info: Jerry says the owl came up to about his knee when it was
> perched on the ground - this would make it approx 20-22 inches tall.
> Thanks to Jerry for reporting his sighting and getting us all excited about
> the possibility of a Snowy Owl in Chapel Hill!
> --
> Charles W. "Will" Cook                  w 919-660-7423
> http://www.duke.edu/~cwcook            cwcook@duke.edu
> Biology Dept., Duke Univ., Box 90340, Durham, NC 27708

Michal Skakuj  Ph.D.
4600 University Drive # 1312
Durham, NC 27707
phone, fax: (919) 402 9961