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Red-breasted Nuthatch

Yesterday I was pleased to final catch up to the two Red-breasted 
Nuthatches that were reported from Duke Gardens earlier this 
winter. As I work at Duke and frequently have little time for birding 
at the weekend, the gardens have become my little patch. The 
Nuthatches bring my Gardens list up to 117 in the nearly five years 
I have been here. I am hoping to make it up to 120 before I leave 
North Carolina and head back to England early in the summer. I 
am moving to Kent in the south-eastern corner of the country, 
which despite its position still picks up the odd American vagrant - 
including records of American Coot and Golden-winged Warbler. 

Jim Bloor, Ph.D

Department of Biology
Developmental, Cell and Molecular Biology 
B330 LSRC Building
Duke University
Research Drive
Durham, NC 27708-1000

Tel.      (919) 613-8150
Fax.     (919) 613-8177
email  jwbloor@duke.edu