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Samworth WMA and nearby areas

Hi Carolinbirders,
    This morning (2-16)I met Bob Maxwell for a morning of birding in and
about Samworth WMA, Georgetown County,SC.  35 species were found including
White-crowned Sparrow in two different locales. Seven species of sparrow
were found but no luck locating a firm Lincoln's or Vesper.  Of note were
the hordes of blackbirds in the burned over fields and the Pee Dee marshes.
I am willing to bet we saw or heard all told about 35,000 blackbirds.  The
flocks were composed mostly of Red-wings then Common Grackle and some
Brown-headed Cowbird.  Could not find a good Rusty but that might be tough
this time of year?  Couldn't find a female Rusty. Lots of sparrows about in

Fair birding, good company.

Jack Peachey
Conway, SC