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Re: Info. on Birds in South Carolina


The Columbia Audubon Society visited Santee NWR last Saturday. We saw
several hundred Canada Geese (migratory, not local residents), and a few
ducks, but no other geese.

Robin Carter
Columbia, SC

----- Original Message -----
From: "jcraigw" <jcraigw@home.com>
To: "'Carolina Birds'" <carolinabirds@duke.edu>
Sent: Monday, February 18, 2002 8:30 AM
Subject: Info. on Birds in South Carolina

> Does anyone have the latest info on greater white-fronted goose and
> Ross's goose at Santee NWR?  the cinamon teal at Savannah NWR?
> Also, I am looking for purple finch and pine siskins this winter, and I
> am willing to drive some distance.
> Thanks very much for your help.
> Craig Watson
> Mt. Pleasant, SC