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Cedar Waxwings

While I had no rare birds to report this year for the Great Backyard
Bird Count (like the Common Redpoll that came two years ago), it was
pleasing that a couple of Purple Finches and a few Pine Siskins came
down to the feeders to join 60 American Goldfinches and many other birds.

No Fish Crows yet this season, but I just saw my first butterfly in
months (Common Sulphur?).

The real treat lately, however, has been watching a cloud of Cedar Waxwings
come in each morning.  Hundreds of them fly into the trees along the creek
in back of our yard and take turns descending onto the banks or a fallen
tree to take sips of the water.  One day, when the birdbath wasn't frozen,
they came over to it.  There were taking turns, with twenty or more at a time
sitting at the birdbath and bobbing down for a drink.  It was something 
to see!

Jerry Griggs      j@sc.edu
Columbia, SC