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This morning I saw a Loggerhead Shrike along Sanders Road near my home in nw. 
Johnston Co., NC.  That isn't unusual, since they're still common in Johnston 
Co., though it was my first shrike of the year.  Later I was driving on Tryon 
Rd. in Wake Co., just west of Garner, and saw another shrike.  I was a short 
distance east of Lk. Wheeler Rd. at some place with a sign that said Circle C 
       I also checked a couple of ponds.  The NCSU Dairy Pond (what I could 
see of it from the road) had several Lesser Scaups.  The West Lake Pond had 
at least ten Ring-necked Ducks and at least five Buffleheads, all actively 
diving and making it hard to count them.

Erik Thomas
Johnston Co., NC, & NCSU