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Late out-of-state posting

 Finally decided to post some Virginia birds I've seen recently, just in
case anyone was headed that way.
 Two weeks ago I saw a Western Grebe just off the beach and slightly north
of Rudee Inlet in Virginia Beach. (I wonder if it was Jeff Pippen's CBC
meeting bird from the northern banks)? At the Virginia Marine Science
Museum there was an immature Yellow-crowned Night Heron that was hanging
around the marsh OUTSIDE the aviary, apparently attracted by several
captive Yellow-crowneds. My guess is that he has been there all winter.
 Last saturday some of us Outer Bankers birded the CBBT and found a female
Harlequin Duck, several Long-tailed Ducks, several Brant, hundreds of Surf
Scoters, several Great Cormorants, several Purple Sandpipers, and probably
a first year Thayers Gull.
 Also, it has been reported that there are two Common Eiders just south of
Rudee Inlet in Virginia Beach.
  Good birding!
  Jeff Lewis - Manteo