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About a month ago we had 12 Pinesiskins running off the Goldfinches at
our feeder.  Today I counted 20+ as everyone was very busy out there.
I just couldn't get anyone to sit still long enough to get an accurate
count.  Goldfinches have taken to the sunflower and mixed seed feeders
as the Pinesiskins are really intent to eat all the niger seed in
Henderson County.  Wayne, I would gladly send some to you along with a
couple Pileateds that I have to monitor their time at the suet.  Hairy,
Downy and Red-belly, WB nuthatches, and of course the huge families of
Carolina Chickadees and Tuft. titmice all have to have their turns.  We
have a "drip-Pan" of sorts (empty gallon milk jug hangs from a bar over
a large saucer for large pots that sits on the ground under a tree) that
the birds just love.  Baths are frequent by everyone!!  Especially the
Song Sparrow and BLuebirds.  

I would like opinions, experiences sharing, and whatever else anyone can
offer on our dilemma from last Spring and summer with our Bluebirds. 
Every year we have a family of Bluebirds that picks one of the Bluebird
houses we maintain in our yard--one in the front and one in the back. 
The BLuebirds begin staking their claim on the house in front early
February - Chickadees and Goldfinches give them a very hard time, dive
bombing etc. etc.  Last Spring, on March 7 to be exact (I keep a bird
record every day)
the female began putting grass in the front house.  We had just had snow
and a freeze.
At any rate she kept at this along with Mr. Bluebird trying to keep the
Chickadees and Goldfinches away.  March 27 she was putting the finishing
touches in there - our cat's hair for one.  Everyday the BB were in and
out of the nest.  Chickadees finally decided on the back house.  By
April 11 we confirmed she was indeed "sitting".  By May 24 I was very
concerned that we didn't see them feeding any babies.  She was still
sitting. By June 12 we were extremely concerned as to why she just kept
"sitting", sticking her head out etc.  We knew something was wrong -
confirmed there were eggs.  Everyone else had babies - wrens on the door
had 5!!  June 17 they left the nest and we cleaned it.
Now this is the most weird part to us:  June 19 they began building the
nest again.  June 20 she was sitting again.  Again, sitting, sitting and
July 11 we determined they had abandoned the nest.  When we cleaned the
nest out lo and behold they had built two nests - one on top of the
other and both had abandoned eggs in them.  

I detailed this story on account of folks who have nesting bluebirds
know about how long it takes from building the nest until the babies
fledge.  We've had them be successful in this very house and also the
back yard for several years.  What was with this couple?  I don't know
if the same ones are here again this year - but they defintely have
staked their claim on that house in front.  I make the peanut butter-
lard "fudge" for them and they are here constantly from very early in
the year until they fledge their last brood.  Then they are gone all
fall and come back early Feb. usually.  Any ideas or suggestions or
opinions anyone?  Sorry to make this so long!!

Bev Hudson
Hendersonville, NC