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G-tTowhee yes; Eur. Wigeon no

This morning I drove to the Wilmington area to look for the Green-tailed 
Towhee and the Eurasian Wigeon.  I got to Shepperd Rd. near Southport about 
6:03 and saw the Green-tailed Towhee within two minutes.  Then another birder 
named Rick drove up and he soon saw it, too.  There were also an adult and at 
least one imm. White-crowned Sparrow there.  After tossing my requisite can 
of sunflower seeds on the pile, I headed off and saw a flock of Rusty 
Blackbirds nearby on Jabbertown Rd.  This road is shown on the DeLorme atlas 
but not labeled; it's the red line that runs between Leonard St. and rt. 87.
       After that I tried to find the Eurasian Wigeon at Greenfield Lake in 
Wilmington, with no success.  There were, however, good numbers of Gadwalls 
and American Wigeons and a few shovelers there, as well as at least one 
       Also had a good time watching a Tricolored Heron try unsuccessfully to 
dispatch a rather round, silvery fish at Federal Point.  It finally dropped 
the fish.  In spite of the brisk winds, there were at least eleven 
oystercatchers and two Marbled Godwits feeding actively at that site.

Erik Thomas
Johnston Co., NC