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Re: Questions about burrowing owls


I have seen Burrowing Owls in Tampa during
the middle of the day. I recently read, in
the Audubon club newsletter of the Hommossa
Springs area, that they were disappointed to
miss them on their Christmas count and that the owls have a more restricted
range, probably
easier to find more southerly and inland.

Good luck!

Oh yes, Burrowing and Long-eared Owls are the only SC listed owls I have
never heard or seen in SC. I recall a report of Burrowing from Huntington
Beach State
Park by Colonel Pat Probst, I think, in the 70's.
Burrowing would be the hardest to find of any of the SC listed owls, a very
accidental occurance.
Darned cute little "Prairie Dog Thaings", as
Gary Phillips might say.

Good birdin'
Steve Compton

PS: anyone interested in SC Pelagic
birding out of Mt.Pleasant, contact me
for details, I am interested in going in April or May.
Cheap ride, too ($35.00 for a full day)

----- Original Message -----
From: "dcollopy" <dcollopy@rhtc.net>
To: <carolinabirds@duke.edu>
Sent: Saturday, March 02, 2002 9:42 AM
Subject: Questions about burrowing owls

> Hi folks, I leave for Florida to see some birds tomorrow. One of my target
> species is burrowing owls. I've tried seeing this species before and I'm
> confused about what is the best time to see them. Kaufman in Lives of
> American Birds says they hunt mostly at dusk and dawn but can be also seen
> during the day in breeding season.  So what is the best time? I'm also
> wondering if this species has ever wandered up into the Carolinas. Thanks
> for your help, Dave Collopy