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RE: Questions about burrowing owls

Dave, I've seen burrowing owls many times in the daytime, standing by their
burrows or nearby, or maybe on a cow pasture fence post.  We used to see
them regularly at airports in their range.  

Two birding guides that give good information are Florida's Birds by Dr.
Herb Kale and David Maehr, published by Pineapple Press, Sarasota, Florida
(1990) and Florida Bird Life, (the definitive work of its time) by Dr.
Alexander Sprunt, Jr., published by Coward-McCann, Inc. and the National
Audubon Society (1954).  Sprunt's book is wonderful and worth looking for if
you're interested in information on range, nesting, records, and history.

Veronica Pantelidis
Greenville, NC   

-----Original Message-----
From: dcollopy
To: carolinabirds@duke.edu
Sent: 3/2/02 9:42 AM
Subject: Questions about burrowing owls

Hi folks, I leave for Florida to see some birds tomorrow. One of my
species is burrowing owls. I've tried seeing this species before and I'm
confused about what is the best time to see them. Kaufman in Lives of
American Birds says they hunt mostly at dusk and dawn but can be also
during the day in breeding season.  So what is the best time? I'm also
wondering if this species has ever wandered up into the Carolinas.
for your help, Dave Collopy