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Crested Flycatcher Question

No, I don't have this flycatcher yet, but would like to prepare for their
arrival.  Last year there were some postings about the Crested Flycatcher
readily nesting in the tubes used for newspaper delivery.  I now have a
tube but can't find the directions given for placement etc.  Would welcome
some advice.  Thanks.

A pretty good week here at Slick Rock so far.  A pair of Wood Ducks
investigating the nesting boxes, still have a pair of Hooded Mergansers, a
pair of Mallards and a few Ring-necked ducks still hanging around. A few
Ruddy Ducks were here for a couple of days.  Purple Finches still coming in
good numbers (more than a dozen) but the Siskin numbers dropped from dozens
to just one today.  A pair of Pileated Woodpeckers have started coming to
the suet feeder together which makes a pretty sight.

Today the first Mourning Cloak of the season.
Nancy Iha
at Slick Rock above 3000'
Brevard, NC