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Lake Murray raptor thanksgiving

Hi C-birders,

About to migrate back north to Durham, but first I wanted to thank
Columbia Audubon for inviting me down here and for the great reception at
my talk, including the opportunity to meet some folks like Lynn Smith that
I had previously only known via e-mail. And my in-laws, for putting me up,
feeding me ridiculously well, and taking me on the boat ride

I also want to thank the Sharp-shinned Hawk that endured bombardment from
several crows (not sure which species) to perch on a pine tree just off my
in-laws' back porch yesterday afternoon.

And I want to thank the Great Horned Owl that swooped in low over our
heads Monday evening just as we were leaving for dinner, then perched in
a pine tree in the front yard and remained there making faces at us until
we left. I snapped a couple of photos, but don't think they'll come out;
at best I might get a great horned silhouette or two...

Good birding!


Joshua S. Rose
Duke University
Department of Biology (Zoology, R.I.P.)
