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Purple Martins/ Turkeys near Jordan Lake

Yesterday, 3/16, noticed that the Purple Martins were back at the usual spot 
on Fearrington Rd., near Jordan Lake.

Last week saw a group of @ 8 Wild Turkeys, between the 2 Jordan Lake bridges 
on Fearrington Rd., on the east side of the road, at the back of an open, 
grassy area, maybe near Stone Rd. area, if I'm recalling correctly.  Just saw 
them out of the corner of my eye as I was driving by, very unexpected.  
Didn't have time to go back and look, but seemed like the right habitat.

Have had very noisy Red-shouldered Hawks at home, and the other day there 
were 3 circling and calling up above the house, for a few minutes a Cooper's 
Hawk flew with them and chased them a bit till it flew off.  I'm guessing it 
was a Cooper's, they were pretty high up at the time, and it appeared light 
underneath and I could see a definite white tip on tail, that's what my field 
guide suggests, seemed maybe a third smaller in size than the 

Shelley Theye

Shelley Theye
North Chatham County, NC