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Re: Safflower Seed

Interesting. Two years ago I tried safflower here in dear ol' Conway. The
cardinals, chickadees, titmouses, and esp. BHNUs looked at the seed (and me,
I think) as if something was sorely amiss. After a week, I tossed the stuff
on the ground. Glad I had only purchased 5#. Go figure...


Gary Phillips
Conway, SC
Sunset Zone 31
"...where is the person, I ask, who, on observing this glittering fragment
of the rainbow, would not pause, admire, and turn his mind with
reverence..." (J. J. Audubon)

-----Original Message-----
From: William McDavit <osprey1@atmc.net>
To: carolinabirds <carolinabirds@duke.edu>
Date: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 4:46 PM
Subject: Safflower Seed

>C'Birders, Bruce Krucke, in particular:
>Last fall, Carolyn Bush and I had a great time sitting in a friend's
>kitchen watching a young male Rose-Breasted Grosbeak, pigging out on
>Safflower seed for a solid 15 minutes.  This particular bird spent a few
>weeks with them before moving on.  We saw all the other local birds eating
>these seeds too.  In fact , other than 'thistle' seed this is the only seed
>they put out.  Their house is in Carolina Shores, the town adjacent to
>Calabash,  just beyond the SC border, here in Brunswick Co. NC.
>So last winter I bought some safflower seed for my daughter in No. Va. and
>said let me know what comes, if anything.  She had to replace the seed in a
>couple of days.  As far as I know no one else in her neighborhood had
>habituated the birds to it.  I think Cardinals were the main feeders but
>other local birds there ate it.  I put some out when I got back here in
>Sunset Lakes, and the birds ate it up in a few days.  It happened so fast
>and since our feeders are away from the house I'm not sure what all ate it.
>Cardinals for sure.  The advantage of course is there are no shucks.  I
>remember to get some more.
>Good Birding,
>Mary, still waiting for my first Parula of the year, McDavit