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Re: Sanke and birds

Some of you paint me to be a vicious villain which is furthest from the
Never have I had such flaming. I was asked why not contact a nature club to
come remove the snake or a college. Well there is none of that here. A
club is at least 75 miles away and a college 35 miles.

I too admire snakes but again I just could not bear to watch that snake eat
those babies, be it right or wrong. I have gone out of my way to help wild
critters in need, even paying for vet bills or rescuing ducks and turtles
from a busy highway.

Like I said this isn't "Wild America". I had a much admired friend who was a
well known naturalist in our part of the state that used to kill cowbirds
from his patio. He was a professional photographer and published author on
nature yet he could kill them. And I am fully aware of what cowbirds do.

And I'm not going to kill a hawk because of his actions but I have run them
from my yard when they were waiting in a nearby tree watching the feeder. I
guess those of us who have feeders are also inviting hawks and such to use
this as an easy source for food so perhaps we should remove our feeders from
our yards.

I'm sorry if any of you took offence to the actions taken but that is how it
was. And if
I had to do it over again under the same circumstances I guess I would since
little "daddy" had already endured so much hardship.

Ginny Gillam