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Black Vultures

As some of you know, Blayne and I raise sheep.  We are in the middle of
lambing.  When I came home from work this afternoon I saw a ewe with one
lamb on its feet. She was  licking at another lamb on the ground and
there was a large circle of black vultures around the ewe and her
lambs.  I hurried out to the pasture and chased the black vultures
away.  There were at least 12 of them.  The lamb on the ground was dead.
It was clear that the vultures had just begun to eat it.  I put the ewe
& live lamb in the barn.  Five minutes later I went out to clear away
the carcass of the dead lamb.  There were no vultures in sight any more.

Early Monday morning I found the carcasses of two lambs with some black
feathers nearby.

My question is:  Did the black vultures kill the lambs that they ate?
Or did they simply take advantage of a newly dead animal?

Thanks for your help.

Anne Olsen
Monroe, NC

Anne Olsen
Wingate University
Wingate, NC 28174

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