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small items

the other day I was in Moncure for work and had time do do a little bird
watching, had a wonderful singing brown thrasher, BG gnatcatcher, robins by
the ton, and a RC kinglet.  Also had a RC kinglet the same day at the Gov.
club (ain't home  health fun).  Numerous RT hawks.  Some one mentioned
seeing TVs "dance" in the air like pairs skaters, I observed this today I
think but can't remember where I was.  (another problem with home health, I
forget where I am sometimes). Am still learning the difference btween
chipping sparrow and pine warbler calls. Lots of chippies at Timberlyne.
Almost forgot, the other morning, I saw an opsrey fly over the Timberlyne
center.  I am quite certain of it, large, brown, white underbelly.  I was
surprised by mabe it was looking a Univ lake.  Obviously I was all over the
map so can't pinpoint the birds much better than above.  I am in
Hillsborough with the usual.  Oh really almost forgot, I know Chickadees are
hole nesters but i saw one in Moncure take nesting material down a pipe
protruding from the ground.  I peeped but couldn't see anything, I am
guessing in bad weather the parents will shelter the babies?  Seems to be a
funny place for a nest with no protection from the rain and heat.  barb
brooks brooksba@mindspring.com