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Hughes Landing 4-2

Hi Carolinabirders,
Yesterday, Gary Phillips and I went to Hughes Landing Road, southwestern
Horry County, SC, near the Little Pee Dee River. We never got to the
landing. A beautiful Spring day in the mid 70's with no wind and a sunny
sky. Some interesting birds and butterflies.  Lots of ecotones,
including some clearcut areas that look perfect for Chat.
26 birds id'd.
Every time I go with Gary I become more and more impressed by his
knowledge of habitat types, birds, butterflies and plants from trees to
mosses.  He is a wonderful naturalist.
    At any rate here is the list.
 Cattle Egret-5 seen on the way.
Black Vulture-6 in a high kettle
Turkey Vulture-4
Red-shouldered Hawk-2 lots of vocalizing we believe there is a nest in
the area but we couldn't see it from the road.
Red-tailed Hawk-1
Laughing Gull-1 heard only
Red-bellied Woodpecker-3
Downy Woodpecker-1
Crow sp-1
Carolina Chickadee-4
Tufted Titmouse-5
Brown-headed Nuthatch-1 picked up by Gary's good ears.
Carolina Wren-1
Ruby-crowned Kinglet-4
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher-12+
Brown Thrasher-2
White-eyed Vireo-4
N. Parula-8
Yellow-rumped Warbler-5
Yellow-throated Warbler-2 or 3 heard only
Pine Warbler-3 heard only
Prairie Warbler-1 heard only by Gary.
Common Yellowthroat-2
N. Cardinal-3
E. Towhee-3 heard only including one whose song included a gargle
White-throated Sparrow-1 seen by Gary.

Jack Peachey
Conway, SC