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Western Mountains

We spent three days in Swain ( Nantahala River & Gorge) and Graham
(Joyce Kilmer Mem. Forest) Counties birding and hiking near the Smokies

Migrants we saw:
Pine Siskins(2 dozen at each of 2 feeders a mile apart)
Purple Finch (3-4 at each feeder)
Red Breasted Nuthatch (4 at feeder)
BG Gnatcatcher
Osprey (Nantahala Gorge, near NOC)
Yellow-Throated Warbler (lots)
Black-Throated Green (lots, especially at JKMF)
Black & White Warbler
N. Parula
Louisiana Waterthrush
Red Eyed Vireo
Blue Headed Vireo
Whippoorwill (Wednesday AM)
Rough-winged Swallow
Fox Sparrow (feeder)

It was almost too nice for birding and it was often totally quiet, even
in the morning.

A botanical note: anyone interested in seeing a few hundred pink lady
slippers in bloom walk the main trail at JKMF and then the loop trail
that starts at the plaque.  They are up now and should be in bloom in
just a few days.

Tim Lewis & Lori Unruh
Weaverville, NC