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Yard birds

I was feeling sorry for myself as I read of all the birding trips people
were taking, so to make myself feel better, I decided to take more notice
the birds in my yard today.  In the early morning from the front deck:
Carolina wren
eastern bluebird
redbellied woodpecker
brown thrasher
white throated sparrow
Carolina chickadee
tufted titmouse
chipping sparrow
mourning dove
pileated woodpecker (heard only)

Then at noon:
catbird--maybe my old friend?
pine warbler  (heard only)
downy woodpecker
red tailed hawk
towhee (heard only)
snowy egret
crow (no call, so don't know which)
turkey vulture
black vulture

Then in the late afternoon  there were two wonderful bonuses at the feeders:
hairy woodpecker
blue grosbeak (immature male just getting his blue feathers)

Now I don't feel so bad that getting ready for the Flowertown Festival in
Summerville, SC, this weekend has kept me from going birding.

I forgot--when I was in downtown in Charleston in the afternoon, I saw three
large flocks of cedar waxwings--one of about 40 and two of well over 100.

Bruce Krucke
Yonges Island, SC