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Triangle Sitings

Spent the day trying out my new bins, which I really enjoyed.  Birds of
note were Louisiana Waterthrush (at least three) and Northern Parula (a
dozen or more) at the Johnston Mill tract off of Mt. Sinai Rd. in Chapel
Hill, , first of the year Northern Rough-winged Swallows at the pond at
Maple View Farms on Dairyland Road in Orange County, an Osprey, breeding
plumage Palm Warblers, many Chipping Sparrows and Barn Swallows, and a
lone American Coot at the Cane Creek Reservoir in Orange County, and
many White-eyed Vireos (got great looks at a couple), a lingering
Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Common Yellowthroats, calling Barred Owls, and
LOTS of sparrows (Field, Song, White-throated and even a White-crowned)
at Mason Farm.

Amalie Tuffin
Durham, NC