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Mini Bird Breeding Surveys

The organizers of the Mini-Bird Breeding Surveys of
Chatham and Durham Counties are looking for a few more
volunteers to adopt a route. The routes have been
chosen. Volunteers stop for 3-minutes to listen, look
and list at every half mile until 20 stops have been
completed. We start at dawn and usually it takes a
couple of hours. You choose the day between May 15
and June 30; Sundays have their advantages with less
traffic. It's easier to do with someone who can share
the timing, driving and listing. We're looking
for people who can tentatively (or agressively) commit
to doing the same route year after year. This is
Chatham's third year and Durham's first.

The 2 routes in Chatham County are close to Siler
City. The 4 in Durham begin at the following points:
1) the intersection of So. Lowell Road and Guess Rd.
(a northwest route), 2) Cornwallis Rd. at the county
line of Durham with Wake (south central route), 3) the
intersection of Mineral Springs Road and Sherron Road
(central east route), and 4) the intersection of Olive
Branch Road and Leesville Road (southeast route). 
It's fun and is always an intense auditory experience.
 For more information, please contact me.

Patsy Bailey (pbailey_489@yahoo.com)
Northern Chatham County

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