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Swifts of Durham

A while back ( a week or so) someone mentioned that they didn't know where
or what chimneys were being utilized by the "Swifts of Durham."  The old
warehouses of Brightleaf Square and along Duke Street are filthy with
chimneys of all sizes and shape, but the tall chimney between Pop's and
Fowler's at Brightleaf Square has been known to harbor Swifts.

Another definate location is the chimney at the National Guard HQ (or is it
Army Reserve) on Stadium Rd (Dr?) in N Durham between Duke and Roxboro
Streets, directly across from the County Stadium and down the street from
Durham Regional Hospital.  The building is closer to Duke Street.  At sunset
you can watch them enter the chimney.  'Course, It'd probably be more
rewarding to wait til August-September when there are more of them, old
swifts and new swifts.

There are many, many chimneys in Durham that are potentialy swift worthy,
the above are but two that I am aware of.  I'm sure other folks have
"happened" upon others in the area.  Anybody out there have a favorite swift
chimney?  Chapel Hill? (besides Post Office) Durham? Hillsborough?  Roxboro?
Raleigh? and beyond?

While you're at it, anyone have a favorite night hawk roof?

Greg Dodge
Hillsborough, NC