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Tanagers-both, other yard birds, Indigo Bunting

This AM heard first one, then two male Scarlet Tanagers singing in different 
spots close to the house.  Then, a few minutes later, heard a Summer Tanager, 
too!  Just songs, no calls so far.  For a few minutes they were all singing 
at the same time.  

Saw the Summer, but haven't seen the Scarlets yet, though I've tried, and 
while looking for them, noticed an Indigo Bunting male sitting quietly in a 
large oak by the house, and spotted a Red-eyed Vireo, also heard a RC Kinglet 
singing close to where the Summer Tanager was, and heard lots of 
White-throated Sparrows singing loudly.  

A Yellow-throated Vireo was singing at about the same time that I heard the 
Tanagers.  Heard one last Sun. too, but have yet to see them.  Lots of burry 
voices around today.

A Yellow-throated Warbler has been singing in the same area at the top of the 
driveway for about a week now.  Maybe will nest here.

Checked my dates on the Baltimore Oriole that wintered in the yard, probably 
same bird for past 2 years, and the spring departure dates for this year and 
last spring are only 2 days apart.

Shelley Theye

Shelley Theye
N. Chatham County, NC