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Re: killdeer/plover question

Did you notice any other features of the bird? Tail length or rump
color, bill color etc. The behavior fits well to Killdeer, the one band
could be just an illusion hence of the bird posture or so.
The chance fo Wilson's is much lower than for Semipalmated if ever.


Kim Bruff wrote:

> Just to give the experts a good laugh, you can read
> and learn how little I know about the birds I see.
> Be kind, now, don't scold me, if you decide to answer.
> Tuesday around 10:00 I saw a bird walking along in the
> very short grass that separates a parking lot from US
> Highway 70 between Garner and Clayton, NC. (Southeast
> of Raleigh.)  I was studied him as best I could, not
> having a field guide in my car. (note to self, put a
> field guide in the car.)  My first thought was that it
> was a killdeer, of which I have only seen one or two,
> last spring.  I tried to make mental notes of what it
> looked like so I could look up the killdeer when I got
> home, but I noticed that it only had one dark ring
> around the neck.  My field guide lists a Wilson's
> Plover as being a shore bird.  Would it be out of the
> question for one to be 90 miles inland this time of
> year?  If a Wilson's plover would be too strange, any
> other suggestions as to what it might have been?
> I'd also love some links to some good, reliable sites
> showing migration maps for various birds.
> Thanks.
> ............kim bruff
> =====
> .....kim bruff
> Perched on the Wake/Johnston County line in NC
> kimbruff@yahoo.com
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Michal Skakuj  Ph.D.
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