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Blackpoll Warbler

Birded at Beaver Lake Sanctuary in Asheville this AM, among the

Blackpoll warbler- a lifer for me- later confirmed by Charlotte Goedsche
and Len Pardue. 

I had only a brief look, and it really makes my Spring to make this ID.
I feel like instead of an intermediate beginner, I'm now a beginning
intermediate birder.   :-)


Baltimore Oriole
Green Heron  a great look as it was perched in a tree - beautiful
Two Carolina Wrens locked in combat, clutching feet and biting. The poor
hormone-crazed beasts were so bent on destruction that we got within
three feet of them before they chased each other away.
The usual suspects- chickadees, cardinals, crows, grackles, etc.

Did not see the yellow warbler- but the blackpoll more than made up for

Russ P.


Russ Palmeri
Asheville, NC

All beings tremble before violence.
All fear death.
All love life.
See yourself in others.
Then what harm can you do?
