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Little Dramas

    The other day when I came home there was a great crested flycatcher
standing on my deck, looking more sick than injured.  I watched for a
while, put some water out, which he ignored.  I didn't know what to do.
After a while, he started to look a little more lively, and I went
inside to get some bird seed.  Then, from the kitchen window, I heard
three little squeaks.  I ran back to the porch and four of the small
downy feathers were all that remained of him. A hawk, I am guessing,
because of cat or a raccoon would have left a bigger mess, I suspect,
and made more noise.  What should I have done?
     On a cheerier note, driving home yesterday  (it was 94 degrees) on
the last sandy/dirt quarter mile, I came upon two big Canada geese just
ambling along the road enjoying the woods and the shade, nonchalant as
you please.  It didn't even occur to them to move off the road until
they reached the drainage ditch leading to the river (salt water).
    Anyone recognize this description?  Every evening after dark
something calls out loudly, "tit wheeoo wheeoo, tit wheeoo wheeoo."
Someone suggested a cardinal, but it never varies with an extra wheeoo
or other sound.
-- Kris Cox, Beaufort, SC