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I was at Anilorac Farm late yesterday evening and in addition to the newly
arrived Blue Grosbeaks I also saw a female Dickcissel erch on the wires at
exacly the same spot on Dairyland Road that the male has sung from in the
past two years. After perching for a few minutes the female flew down low
and over the crest of the hill on the right side of the road as one faces
away from the farm, in other words in the direction in which the pair had
nested last year, though further away from the road this time. Others
visiting the farm may want to keep an eye out for the male. Also present
was medium size flock of Bobolinks at the wheat (?) field in Maple View
Farm on Friday evening (but not yesterday).
Shantanu Phukan
Carrboro, Orange County

Lecturer in Urdu-Hindi & Indian Literature
University of N. Carolina, Chapel Hill
Curriculum in Asian Studies
Alumni Hall 413C
Chapel Hill, N.C. 27599
