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Wildathon 2002

Dear Matthew,

Have you pledged to support a Wildathon team yet this
	If you have--congratulations and thanks for
supporting the NHAS Wildathon!!  We're really all part
of the same team!!

If not, read on....
	The Chat Chasers (Will Cook and myself) are birding
and raising funds again this year for Wildathon!
Don't know what the Wildathon is?
	It's a fundraiser sponsored by New Hope Audubon
Society <www.newhopeaudubon.org> (in the spirit of a
Walkathon) where teams raise funds through pledges. 
But instead of walking, we go birding!  The object is
to count as many species of bird in a 24 hour period
as possible.  The funds benefit the Mason Farm
Biological Reserve and the North Carolina Coastal
Sanctuaries.  All of the money donated goes to the
keepers of these vital places for wildlife (UNC
Botanical Garden<www.unc.edu/depts/ncbg/> and Audubon
North Carolina<www.ncaudubon.org>, respectively).

How can you support the Chat Chasers?
	By making a flat donation ($10, $20, $30, or more) or
per species pledge.  We usually see between 80-100
species.  So, if you pledge 10 cents per species, and
we see 100 bird species--you donate $10; 20 cents
would be $20; $1 would be $100; and so on...

When will the Chat Chasers be birding?
We will be out in the field on Sunday and will send a
complete report out to our supporters afterward
detailing the species we saw and any highlights or
unusual birds.

Is my donation tax deductible?

When should I make my check out?
If you would like to pledge a set amount, you can send
your check to me at the address listed below.  *Make
your check out to NHAS.*  If you pledge per species,
send in your check after you receive the report and
total of your donation.  Keep in mind that NHAS would
like to receive payments by June 1st.

Thank you for supporting these important wild places
and the Chat Chasers!

Bobbie Collins-Perry
2326 Huron Street
Durham, NC 27707

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I have decided to stick with love.
Hate is too great a burden to bear.
--Martin Luther King, Jr.

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