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Horry& Georgetown Counties

Hi Carolinabirders,
On Monday April 29 starting at 6PM and ending April 30 at 6PM, Paul
Rogers and I birding as the team, "The Peewees" (because we are both a
bit altitudinally challenged) participated in the Waccamaw Audubon
Society birdathon.  No recorded bird tapes were used. Our final tally
was 104 species.  No really exceptional birds EXCEPT...(I'll get to that
in a bit)
We birded the following locations in Horry County: nocturnal birding
near Steve Thomas's house (we did get the Screech Owl while sitting on
Steve's front steps), Conway Sewage Ponds and New Road, Gary Phillip's
front yard, Punchpole Landing and Myrtle Beach State Park and finally
Huntington Beach State Park in Georgetown County.
Highlights were the 13 warbler species including a Yellow, which is a
fair to good count for the outer coastal plain.  Poor were the terns
only Forster's and Least were found. And our big miss, there is always
at least one-No Catbird! We also missed Tricolored Heron getting it 3
minutes after 6PM on Tuesday!
Now for EXCEPT-While at the Conway Sewage Ponds a large falcon like bird
about size of a  Peregrine flewby and I couldn't id it.  I noticed a
short length of rope or something (jess?) dangling from one foot.
If oneone would care to see the whole outcome on a spreadsheet, latest
version of works, send me an e-mail off this list serve and I'll send it
to you as an attachment.
Please be advised that all my outgoing messages are screened for
Paul is a great birding companion and we had fun.

Jack Peachey,
Conway, SC