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WAS trip, 5-04

Hi y'all,
    Waccamaw Audubon took a field trip to Punchpole Landing on the Little
Pee Dee River this morning. Under threatening skies (with a brief sprinkle)
the majority of the birds tallied were "heard only." With an impending
storm, I presume the m.o. is eat first, sing later. Some of the cool birds
in the Independent Republic of Horry...

Y-b Cuckoo
Acadian Flycatcher
G-c Flycatcher
R-e Vireo
W-e Vireo
N. Parula
Black-and-white (many calling, one seen)
Prothonotary (a bunch)
Swainson's (several, one seen after the trip "on territory")
Common Yellowthroat
Hooded (many)
Blue Grosbeak
Summer Tanager

And the usual suspects, with a Brown Thrasher on a nest. Also a snapping
turtle depositing eggs on the edge of a trail on a scrub oak sandhill
adjacent to a cypress bottom. Given the amount of tire tracks, survival of
members of that clutch will border on the miraculous. A much smaller member
of the species met its demise just prior to the start of the trip under the
truck and trailer tires of a cpl of good ol' boys headed to the river.

Around home this p.m. doing the yard work thing, saw:

Y-b Cuckoo
R-t hummingbirds
R-b Grosbeak - woohoo!
Orchard Oriole - wailing away
baby C. wrens, chickadees, titmouses, House finches.

Pretty sporty day. I'll be back on the case in G'town Cty tomorrow.

Cheers y'all,


Gary Phillips
Conway, SC
Sunset Zone 31
"...where is the person, I ask, who, on observing this glittering fragment
of the rainbow, would not pause, admire, and turn his mind with
reverence..." (J. J. Audubon)