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Winston-Salem Spring Bird Count

The Audubon Society of Forsyth County conducted their annual SBC on Saturday
May 5th.  Despite the cold and rainy weather a good total of birds was seen.
To date we have 126 species seen count day and two additional count period.
This is the preliminary information as totals and details from birders not
all submitted yet.

Reported at Count Dinner last night;

24 species of warblers:  All areas reported good diversity (Reynolda,
Tanglewood, Hobby  Park, etc) Wilson's Warbler reported by the Nature
Science center group is very unusual.
Some lingering waterfowl: Red-breasted Merganser, Ruddy Duck.
All thrush species except Hermit Thrush.
Caspian Tern: Uncommon on migration,  See by the Lewisville group.
Little Blue Heron:  Rare in the county.  Seen by the Lewisville group.
Philadelphia Vireo:  At Hobby Park. Seen by the Tanglewood/South group.
Northern Harrier:  Unusual this late.  Seen by the Gidley group at
Western Sandpiper: Salem Lake.
White-crowned Sparrows: Unknown.
Red-headed Woodpecker:  At Hobby Park.  (decreasing in the area)

Indications are that the late birds are moving through.  Good numbers of
Blackpolls reported by different groups.  No Hermit thrushes seen.

The Yellow-crowned Night-Herons are nesting again at Miller Park.

The colony of Cliff Swallows underneath the Highway 158 bridge over the
Yadkin River next to Tanglewood continues to flourish!.  They are also
reported under the I-40 bridge but access is harder. (Good parking is
available on the Tanglewood side of highway 158 at the Canoe Access point
just east of the Yadkin River)

David and Susan Disher
Winston-Salem, NC