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Anhingas over Durham!


Birding close to home and 2 month old daughter these days, I was searching
for a singing Blackpoll in our backyard in historic Watts-Hillandale a
little after 6pm today when I spotted 5 dark specks soaring way up near the
limit of unaided vision. To my astonishment, at 10X they turned out to be 5
Anhingas (3f.,2m.)slowly drifting northwestward. Third Durham County record,
according to Will's checklist.

This capped a very nice day in the Watts-Hillandale neighborhood with 14
spp. of warblers, Spotted and Solitary Sandpipers (1 each) in Ellerbe Creek
between Indian Bend and Westover parks, and 4 Baltimore Orioles in one tree.

Good birding,

Dan Kaplan