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Reeve at OISTponds-NOT


With TP's news of the Reeve at Ocean Isle Sewerage Treatment Ponds, Ocean
Isle, NC, greeting me after returning from CBC weekend in the Mountains, I
rushed over to look for it, today, Monday, Apr. 6.    I met up with Bruce
Smithson, and together and separately we searched for a total of 5 hours (9
to 2), both the 3 smaller ponds and the separate big pond with NO LUCK.
Lotsa shorebirds, the most I have ever seen, with the big pond lower than I
have seen in 14 years....there's actually a sort of beach for the
shorebirds, plus the pond is so shallow both kinds of  Yellowlegs and
Dowitchers were wading in the furthest section in the middle.

I plan to check tomorrow and if it isn't there I probably won't go back a
third time to look for it.  Anyone wanting to visit the ponds,  remember to
check with Personnel for permission.  We were informed that once the fence
is finished being built where there is no fence now, we probably will have
NO access allowed. . . . bad news indeed.

It was great talking to my fellow birders at CBC.  And I loved the speakers,
but must single out the talk the Ivory-billed Woodpecker expert gave, as
exceptional - humorous in telling his somewhat dangerous experiences,
thought-provoking and well-delivered.   Saw some good birds and had some
wonderful trip leaders.  Kudos to J. Martin and all.

Good Birding all,
Mary McDavit, Sunset Lakes, Sunset Beach, NC