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Golden Wing query

I am making a last minute dash up to the Blue Ridge Mountains and one of
my targets is the Golden Winged Warbler. I will be in the vicinity of New
River State Park and also Trout and Bass Lakes. Can anyone tell me if
those areas or any nearby ones are good for Golden Winged Warblers? I
remember hearing about them in cnnection with New RIver State Park but I
imagine this is a huge park and which part of it should I focus on? (Yes,
I do have Marcus Simpson's book, but was hoping to get more upto date or
detailed info from those who have recently visited the mts).
Thanks in advance
Shantanu Phukan

Lecturer in Urdu-Hindi & Indian Literature
University of N. Carolina, Chapel Hill
Curriculum in Asian Studies
Alumni Hall 413C
Chapel Hill, N.C. 27599
