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Spring Ventures Update

Aside from a few Blackpoll and Magnolia Warblers here and there in the
Asheville area, it looks like migration has slowed down completely.
Our recent Snowbird and Stecoah Gap Ventures recorded an excellent selection
of species. These are the highlights:
26 species of warblers, including Tennessee, Canada, Cerulean, Blackpoll and
"Winter" birds, such as Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, and Ruby and
Golden-crowned Kinglets.
Migrants, such as Swainson's Thrush, and Osprey
Plus of course hundreds of wildflowers and a good selection of butterflies.
We still have some space on our upcoming day trips: Call the office for
further detailss.
May 22    Salamanders in the Blue Ridge
May 25    Rutherford County
May 29- June 2     West Virginia
June 7 -10    Croatan National Forest.


Simon Thompson
Ventures Birding and Nature Tours
PO Box 1095
Skyland, NC 28776