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Cedar waxwings

I read Charles Boyce's post with some interest, mainly - ARE the cedar
waxwings a little late?  We've had them here in Person County "out the
wazoo" so to speak over the past week.  There is a white mulberry tree
outside the office building where I work.  My boss, the local newspaper
photographer (whom I called to join us), and I interfered heavily with
my co-worker's efficiency as we oo'd, aah'd and photographed a large
flock chowing down on the berries last Thursday.  This was a first
sighting for my boss!  It was just unfortunate that the best viewing
office isn't occupied by a birdwatcher.  But the waxwings, who were
there for a few days prior, have returned daily to the tree.  There were
only a few today. My husband also saw a large flock from his office, and
several of his co-workers reported flocks in their yards last week.

Sherri Carpenter
Roxboro, NC