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Summer Feeder Birds

I feed black oil sunflower, and suet year round to give the adult birds an 
easy source of seed while they are hunting for protein for their 
chicks.  At least that is how I rationalize what I do and I avoid images of 
welfare dependency.

Normally about this time of year I am satisfied with the cardinals, 
titmice, c. wrens, chickadees, and wood peckers and w-b nuthatch.

This year has been real fun with 3 brown headed nuthatches frequenting my 
deck and a male indigo bunting as well as 1/2 half dozen each of gold 
finches and chipping sparrows.

The diversity, behavior and aesthetic is great.

The backyard has two pair of brown thrashers displaying to each other, and 
the morning chorus with wood thrush, and white-eyed vireo and hooded 
warbler is a delight.


Tom Krakauer
Bahama, Durham County, NC