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hummer experience

I have a client who puts up a bunch of hummingbird feeders, right now just
one, but in the summer they go through sugar big time.  She says they have
40 birds so I asked her to call me when the numbers get high, maybe one of
you experts will have to come.  Anyway, today, we left the porch door open
and a female flew in and couldn't figure out how to get out and it was going
to take a bit of moving of stuff to get the window up so she could fly out,
so I slowly reached towards her and caught her and took her outside and let
her go.  A magical moment for sure. they don't weigh a thing.  She was
chattering the whole time in her desire to get out.  As soon as I opened my
hand, she sat for a minisecond and flew off.  Awesome experience.  I need to
get my feeder up.  the bird was in Orange Co, can't say where or I will have
to kill all on the list because of patient confidentiality :)  barb brooks,
hillsborough nc  brooksba@mindspring.com