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Re: Red Mulberry sources

Mulberry trees are indeed a bird magnet.  Having once lived in a place that
had a very large and very fruitful Red Mulberry Tree, I've seen everything
from woodpeckers to waxwings to orioles swarming over the tree when berries
were present, but I've also seen Red and Gray Squirrels, woodchucks, and
even a Gray Fox up a Red Mulberry, yes, a Gray Fox!

Randy Emmitt is right, why buy one. If there is another mulberry close by,
you'll have plenty of young saplings popping up around your property, free
of delivery via bird mail

Unfortunately, not all of us have mulberry trees nearby to take advantage of
the birds' offerings.  So, is there anyone out there with a yard full of
young mulberry trees willing to part with a few?  I, for one, would be happy
to take one.  They (the berries) are also good for human consumption--real
tasty, but you'll have to get to them before the birds do.

Greg Dodge
Brownbag Productions
Hillsborough, NC